Friday, September 25, 2009
OK, it started out as just a way to stay cool. Go to a movie have some popcorn and a soda..So it was a toss up between Surrogates or Chance of Meatballs....Well since I really dig Bruce Willis that is the one I picked. Actually there was no contest. Despite the group of old folks that felt they needed to narrate for one of the people in their party the movie was great. That is why Bruce Willis is my main man..I give this movie two thumbs up....
Friday, September 4, 2009
District 9
I went to see the movie District 9 mostly because it was hot and the theatre was cool. I knew almost immediately that this movies sucked. It seemed to me more like a remake of the Planet of the apes only with Prawns. I give this movie two thumbs down...really down. On a happy note the Cold Stone ice cream I had after was just the ticket for a hot afternoon.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Credit crunch
Since the economy took a turn for the worse a lot of good people have been affected by it. Some creditors raised interest rates, charged late fees and over the limit fees. Some cut credit limits which in turn caused the debtors credit score to drop. This in turn triggered other creditors to follow suit and left many debtors paying high interest rates on other accounts as well. This tactic caused a domino effect sending the debtor into a tail spin of debt. Some of these debtors were hanging on by a thread due to job loss now their prospects of getting a job just dropped considerably due to their lower credit score. Some were then forced to default completely as the meager unemployment checks were not enough to allow them to try to do the right thing any longer. I have a solution.
Alleviating some not all of the credit crisis in this country is simple. I do realize the credit card companys don't make a profit unless they charge interest, penalties etc. But with so many credit card holders defaulting it seems to me getting back a significant portion is better than none. I think the elected persons of this country need to mandate that all delinquent credit debt holders get amnesty. Any accounts that were defaulted on or are delinquent since 2007 would be stripped of all late fees, over the limit fees and interest and placed in dormat mode. The credit limit will be restored as well. As long as the debtor makes a payment each month they will have their credit rating protected. If the debtor fails to make a payment after sixty days the account then goes back into default collection and the creditor can proceed. These accounts will be protected for a five year period. When the account is paid in full it will no longer be in the dormat mode and will be restored to the card holder. The debtor will only be in this program until they pay the credit off or the five years has ended. At the end of the five years if the card holder still owes they then would be subject to minimum payments each month and if late a fee may be charged in accordance with the credit guidelines in effect at that time.
This is a great idea as it helps people who have lost their jobs to be able to pay down some of their debt. It also helps them in their job search as a large number of potential employers use credit checks in the back ground checks of applicants.
A lot of good people will get their dignity back and will be able to hold their heads up higher when applying for jobs as they will not be labeled as dead beats.
The banks got their bail outs why shouldn't the rest of us as well.
Tea drinkers

I love to sit and sip tea on a cool morning or in the evening as I unwind before bed. I recently came across a different style of tea bag. The tea bags are shaped like little pyramids. I have found two styles so far. They both are made out of a mesh type fabric. The smaller ones are made by Lipton and have some very interesting flavors . The other ones are taller and have a stem with a tea leaf on the end. They are made by Tea Forte'. I like to use the Tea Forte' ones when I have company as they look quite impressive sitting in the cup and then on the little tray waiting to be used a second time. It really is all about the presentation. I love the way my guests look at them with curiosity and then finally they have to ask. I love telling them about the little store that I buy them at as well. I have a pasion for patronizing small businesses in my area. I hope those that read this find it helpful.
Traffic Lights
Ever wonder why the pedestrian crossing sign starts flashing two steps after you left the curb? I wonder about this a lot. I realize the traffic department thinks all pedestrians are created equal. The reality of it is even able bodied people can not realistically cross the street that has two lanes in each direction, cars parked on both side of the road and a left turn lane for one of the directions. So doing the math that boils down to seven lanes total. The lights stay green for all of thirty seconds. I also realize the traffic department would not want to keep the poor drivers of the cars sitting on the cross traffic lanes in order to allow the pedestrians like a mother with a toddler or my favorite the elderly person with a cane to safely cross to the other side. I think it is high time that the pedestrian really gets the right of way. After all isn't that why the crosswalks are painted on the ground. These are the designated crossing zones laid out by the traffic department and are reportedly the safe place to cross the street. Truthfully I think the crosswalks are not safe at all and it is far safer to cross in the middle of the block. This way you don't have driver's that are in a hurry honking their horn at you as they are late in getting to their location.
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