When the pet food recall broke on national news I had already lost my beloved Sara Lee a Persian mix Torti..She loved to give kisses and jump up into my arms. Sara died just days before the news story broke. We had no idea that it was the food she and her siblings were eating that was making them sick. Immediately I took my other three kitties to the doctors.
Snow White was the worst she had to stay for almost two weeks in the hospital. Parker and Little Guy were not as bad and were put on medication. I at first was hesitant to feed my cats any commercial food. I cooked chicken and veggies etc for a few months then I found Halo. I honestly feel that Halo gave me an additional year+ with Snow White and Little Guy. Parker passed away just last month his kidneys just could not come back again. I am greatful that I found Halo. I spent less time cooking and more time cuddling with my furry family. I miss them all greatly. But, I now have Miss Grace. Yes, she is eating Halo. Thank you Halo for giving me more time with my other three and hopefully Miss Grace will live a very long time.
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