Saturday, March 27, 2010

Is it alright to steal if you are hungry?

Today as I was shopping I watched the police arrest a woman for stealing a package of lunch meat, a quart of milk and a small box of crackers. I was heart broken that a senior would have to resort to this. I was shocked that the store would actually press charges on this incident. I know they have to draw the line. I also know that we have to have compassion and look at the whole picture. I could really understand their stance if she had stolen alcohol, steaks or more expensive items. But it appeared the lunch meat was bologna. It also appeared it was intended to last her for several meals. By having her arrested for petty theft seemed such a waste of taxpayer money.

But, I am also happy to report that due to more than one person offering to pay for her meager items she was released and not charged. Public out cry can in fact make a situation better for at least one person.

Change is what we need to happen in our society. The republicans feel people in need should not be helped. I say they are ever so wrong. I feel we all could have circumstances that could put us in this situation on any given day.

There are so many people that are disabled but yet they are not on disability due to it taking years for the approval process. There are many who lost their jobs and the unemployment has run out. The money they receive from general relief won't even put a roof over their heads. The shelters are over crowded. The food banks run out of food. Even the soup kitchens are unable to keep up.

I hope someone will read this and will donate either time, money or food to help keep food available for those that need it. No one should go hungry.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Let's get their attention

What if the people of the United States decided that no longer would any elected person get a salary that exceeds that of the average public service employee. In addition what if they no longer received a pension but instead paid into social security just like us. Also they would have to pay into a 401K. I say we need to draft an amendment to the state and federal constitution mandating just this. I imagine we will certainly get their attention. Let us remember politician voluntarily ask to be elected. Therefore since they feel that disabled people and seniors should be relegated to live at or below the poverty level then they should join them. I for one am appalled at seeing disabled people and seniors living on the streets because they receive less than $1000.00 and are unable to pay for housing, food and medical related items. Housing assistance for them is unavailable. The lists are closed and there is a waiting list upwards of ten years on the existing lists. SSDI is denying disability claims which is adding to the situation. When people get older they should be able to enjoy their grand children not work until the day they die. We need to get back to good paying jobs that also have a retirement plan that actually invites people to retire. I know people who just keep working as the longer they work the more their pensions will be. That needs to be changed so that the job they are holding will be available for the younger workers. That is one of the reasons there is a job shortage people have to work well past the age or retirement. If they are bored there is always mentoring or volunteering.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010


When the pet food recall broke on national news I had already lost my beloved Sara Lee a Persian mix Torti..She loved to give kisses and jump up into my arms. Sara died just days before the news story broke. We had no idea that it was the food she and her siblings were eating that was making them sick. Immediately I took my other three kitties to the doctors.

Snow White was the worst she had to stay for almost two weeks in the hospital. Parker and Little Guy were not as bad and were put on medication. I at first was hesitant to feed my cats any commercial food. I cooked chicken and veggies etc for a few months then I found Halo. I honestly feel that Halo gave me an additional year+ with Snow White and Little Guy. Parker passed away just last month his kidneys just could not come back again. I am greatful that I found Halo. I spent less time cooking and more time cuddling with my furry family. I miss them all greatly. But, I now have Miss Grace. Yes, she is eating Halo. Thank you Halo for giving me more time with my other three and hopefully Miss Grace will live a very long time.